B2Program Codegenerator


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Executing benchmarks is done by executing make in each of the directories.

Technical Data


Machines   ProB Java BI Java PI C++ PI -O1 C++ PI -O2
Lift Runtime > 1800 156.63 27.43 78.42 0.00
  Speedup 1 > 11.49 > 65.62 > 22.95 > 180 000
  Memory - 735 188 785 628 756 736
TrafficLight Runtime > 1800 47.04 9.05 69.09 0.00
  Speedup 1 > 38.27 > 198.9 > 26.05 > 180 000
  Memory - 855 112 447 828 756 736
Sieve Runtime 76.31 7.71 6.49 14.63 8.94
  Speedup 1 9.9 11.76 5.22 8.54
  Memory 398 980 1 415 428 1 096 284 32 472 35 732
Scheduler Runtime 786.74 10.62 10.49 21.57 10.32
  Speedup 1 74.08 74.99 36.47 76.23
  Memory 5 341 316 414 772 398 924 816 820
sort_m2_data1000 Runtime 17.27 3.27 2.10 0.2 0.03
  Speedup 1 5.28 8.22 86.35 575.67
  Memory 577 808 191 280 143 864 1192 1104
CAN Bus Runtime 273.58 7.23 6.81 7.23 2.91
  Speedup 1 37.84 40.17 37.84 94.01
  Memory 167 284 428 084 402 432 968 952
Train Runtime 241.16 13.31 12.83 18.55 8.10
  Speedup 1 18.11 18.8 13 29.77
  Memory 163 476 377 292 376 540 984 1016
Cruise Controller Runtime > 1800 21.26 15.26 11.90 0.30
  Speedup 1 > 84.67 > 117.96 > 151.26 > 6000
  Memory - 750 816 484 948 864 820

Results (Rust)

Rust development was done on a different system, therefore benchmarks are not comparable to the old table. These benchmarks where run on a Ryzen 7 1700 under Debian via wsl (Win 10) (Memory values seem pretty high. GNU time had a bug for reporting 4x the RSS, but I’m using version 1.9 here, which apparently has it fixed…)

Machines   ProB Java PI Java BI C++ PI -O1 C++ PI -O2 Rust PI O1 Rust PI O2 Rust PI O3 Rust BI O2 Rust BI O3
Lift Runtime > 1200 11.85 102.67 51.05 00.00 20.55 18.43 18.49 685.03 705.46
  Memory - 2 220 976 2 247 676 3120 3060 2160 2276 2168 2572 2584
TrafficLight Runtime > 1200 05.21 17.40 51.35 00.00 21.31 10.87 10.78 78.33 80.27
  Memory - 1 400 352 2 202 788 3188 3188 2312 2256 2312 2496 2664
Sieve Runtime 83.76 07.41 08.04 26.15 06.86 53.04 09.03 09.06 39.27 39.54
  Speedup 1 11.3 10.42 3.2 12.2 1.58 9.28 9.25 2.13 2.12
  Memory 414 232 2 094 128 2 079 056 165 528 165 548 104 764 104 608 104 604 450 804 450 688
Scheduler Runtime 429.98 06.39 06.39 14.25 01.98 34.97 06.14 06.04 06.28 06.00
  Speedup 1 67.29 67.29 30.17 217.16 12.3 70.03 71.19 68.47 71.66
  Memory 14 738 152 1 422 120 1 415 844 3080 3136 2384 2228 2324 2528 2584
sort_m2_data1000 Runtime 18.99 02.02 02.15 00.20 00.03 02.77 00.50 00.51 01.11 01.15
  Speedup 1 9.4 8.83 94.95 633 6.86 37.98 37.24 17.11 16.51
  Memory 594 428 204 220 206 676 3412 3420 5312 5216 5328 10072 9872
CAN Bus Runtime 310.92 05.17 05.15 05.80 00.59 19.83 03.16 03.18 06.36 06.47
  Speedup 1 60.14 60.37 53.61 526.98 15.68 98.39 97.77 48.89 48.06
  Memory 184 356 930 816 917 552 3364 3208 2668 2540 2508 2912 2928
Train Runtime 66.66 07.40 07.57 13.19 01.64 31.52 04.76 04.71 02.78 02.77
  Speedup 1 9.01 8.81 5.05 40.65 2.11 14 14.15 23.98 24.06
  Memory 179 880 1 420 528 1419832 3224 3372 2740 2636 2612 2856 2812
Cruise Controller Runtime > 1200 13.91 14.66 08.34 00.04 05.15 05.43 05.33 14.20 14.64
  Memory - 1 401 192 1 400 232 3160 3092 2376 2540 2352 2668 2668

Runtime in Seconds

Memory Usage in KB

BI = Big Integer

PI = Primitive Integer